
Watermelon Feta Mint Salad Recipe

It is Christmas Eve today but the festive atmosphere is obviously missing. Christmas is supposed to be my favourite occasion but I feel so drained of emotions these couple of days – I don’t even know what’s going on sometimes. Maybe I’m just trying to run away from reality – even if it was just […]

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Sambal Kangkong Recipe

“ 吃太多kangkong会脚软!” ” Eating too much kangkong will make your legs go weak. “ And that was what I grew up believing in because the older folks kept saying that. But in actual fact, kangkong is a vegetable that is rich in iron, calcium and vitamins B & C and it’s not scientifically or medically […]

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Tropical Chicken Salad Recipe

Being in this part of the world where we get an all-year-round supply of beautiful tropical fruits – we are just spoilt for choice. It is so easy to make a fruit salad anytime we want but I prefer to do something different. A cross between a fruit salad and a savoury salad that has […]

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Okra Salad Recipe (with prawns)

Previously I always tried to avoid the okra or what’s better known here in Singapore as ladies’ fingers. They have this gooey slime that just doesn’t appeal to me. And it’s only recently that I’ve sort of developed a liking for these pod vegetables. Having survived an episode of illness/surgery probably does change a person’s […]

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Healthy Crepe Recipe (no added sugar / low fat)

I had a kueh dadar (coconut filled pancake roll) the other day and was just craving for it again cos’ that fragrant crepe skin was packed with this lovely coconut milk aroma. I was inspired to create a dessert crepe – a low fat one with no real coconut milk in it but yet resembled […]

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Stewed Radish and Beef Brisket Recipe

These past 2 weeks have been crazy! And I’m seriously falling behind in my blog posts. Oops. I don’t seem to have enough time everyday to complete most if not all tasks on my to-do list, oh man. Time just flies too quickly though it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I was running errands at […]

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Salmon Shioyaki Recipe (using salmon jaws)

The salmon jaw is never a popular part of the salmon as compared to the belly (that almost melts in the mouth) plus it’s more troublesome to eat it cos’ of the jaw bone and pectoral fins. However, I do think the salmon jaw is quite underrated as the meat in that area is actually […]

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Steamed Minced Pork Recipe (with tomatoes)

When we have Teochew porridge outside, it’s quite common to find minced pork patties with tung choy (or 冬菜) which is a kind of preserved vegetable or salted fish. While these pork patties can be really delicious, they are also extremely salty. I don’t encourage frequent consumption of preserved food stuffs so that gives me […]

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Glass Noodle Salad Recipe (with chicken)

In any Thai restaurant that I go to, I hardly miss out on ordering a seafood glass noodle salad. I really enjoy the combination of salty, tangy, sweet and spicy flavours of the refreshing sauce dressing that never fails to whet up my appetite. For my version of a glass noodle salad, I used shredded […]

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Stir Fried Kiwi Chicken Recipe

While I always try to eat the daily recommended servings of vegetables, I seem to easily forget all about fruits. One good way to rectify this is to incorporate fruits into the food I cook. I haven’t really come across many dishes during outside dining that make good use of fruits except in sides like […]

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Healthy Laksa Recipe (with soy milk)

Laksa is a spicy noodle soup with a curry-like gravy that’s very popular in Malaysia and Singapore. Foodies here will probably know how ‘unhealthy’ laksa can be because of the use of coconut milk to give it that rich and creamy flavour and not forgetting that layer of reddish-looking oil that’s always floating on the […]

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Easy Soy Milk Recipe

While soy milk isn’t an expensive drink and is readily available at all hawker centres in Singapore, it is quite a gratifying experience to make your own soy milk at home as it’s not difficult to do so. Some time ago, the husband was considering to buy this J-brand soy milk maker (because there was […]

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Steak with Mushroom Sauce Recipe

During the period when I was recuperating after surgery, the husband took care of most of my meals. When I could finally chew on something hard (goodbye porridges and congees!), he whipped up a steak meal for me as a well deserved treat. His ‘anyhow-make’ recipe turned out to be pretty satisfying 🙂 Weeks later, […]

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Pork Ribs Curry Recipe

My maternal grandmother makes a fabulous dry chicken curry that doesn’t require coconut milk which in turn makes it healthier too. For my version of ‘dry curry’, I decided to use pork ribs instead of chicken and packed a whole bunch of spices into the paste that really made the dish so flavoursome and moreish. […]

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Stir Fried Lettuce Recipe (with Shimeji Mushrooms)

It’s Veggie Friday! And that’s why I am posting my 2nd vegetable recipe of the day 🙂 Are you into eggplant (brinjal/aubergine) dishes too? Check out my healthy Steamed Eggplant Recipe that I had just published earlier today. In the past, I would stir fry mushrooms with either broccoli, cauliflower or kai-lan (Chinese broccoli) but since […]

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Steamed Eggplant Recipe (with Garlic Sauce)

Since I had my thyroid surgery, my doctor had strongly discouraged me from eating cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower because he said these were the vegetables that could promote ‘growth’ and because I still have a few small cysts on my right thyroid that’s still intact, I’m at risk for future complication should any of the […]

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