I was first exposed to Middle Eastern & Egyptian cuisine nine years ago when an ex-colleague brought me to Altazzag at Haji Lane where I had one of the best hummus served with freshly-baked pita bread. From then, I fell in love with the exotic flavours of the Near East. I’d been regularly making this […]
Chicken and golden needles (dried lily buds) cooked in Chinese wine was one of Gran’s signature dishes. Even though I haven’t had it for like 20 years, I could still remember how tender the chicken was and how fragrant the gravy was, which I could just drizzle over my rice. I wasn’t a big fan […]
In one of my previous posts about factory outlet shopping at Woodlands Loop, I mentioned about this Japanese Crispy Chicken with Seaweed from CS Tay (read the blog post here) which is one of the few processed foods that I do buy and use in cooking. And this is a one dish meal that I […]
Having a garden in the city is not just about getting closer to nature but it really offers a welcoming respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life as well as a cool reprieve from the sultry heat of our year-round summer. I love walking. I think it’s one of the most therapeutic exercises […]
If you want to know the significance of my blog name, what my favourite food were when I was growing up and what I do besides blogging, read my interview with Flavorful World. ? F.A.Qs: Geri Tan of Spring Tomorrow Flavorful World: When selecting restaurants to review, what criteria or characteristics do you look for? […]
Earlier when I went to Fassler (the salmon factory at Woodlands Loop), I bought two big packs (2 kg worth) of salmon belly and so happened that I came across a Salmon Belly Miso Soup Recipe by food editor Tan Hsueh Yun in The Sunday Times, I decided to give the recipe a try. Salmon Belly […]
While I love my greens, I have never thought of going vegan or vegetarian because I always think plant foods will not be able to satisfy me as they don’t give me the same texture and bite like meat. Recently, I started on my exercise regimen (yes, finally after being a couch potato for too […]
Korean japchae is very similar to the Chinese chap chye where both literally mean ‘a mixture of different vegetables’. One thing that I really like about japchae is the use of dangmyeon (sweet potato noodles – you can get this from Korean supermarkets or NTUC Fairprice) which are thick and more chewy than the normal […]
Recently, I accepted an invitation for an interview with a food blog and I was asked to name three dishes that are classic Singapore cuisine. Chilli crab just naturally came to my mind, so did the craving. So the husband and I headed to Jumbo at The Riverwalk for some crabbing business. The last time I […]