
Fan Choy Recipe

Fan Choy Recipe

Fan Choy (饭菜 in Cantonese) is what I call the ‘dim sum version’ of the char siew rice which is affordably priced (small portion though) and readily available at those stalls selling dim sum and steamed buns at hawker centres or coffeeshops.

For my recipe, I chose to use brown rice (it’s healthier than white!) and to save time and hassle, I bought ready made char siew for this. If you would like to make your own char siew, check out this Oven Roasted Honey-Glazed Char Siew Recipe that I’ve shared a long while back. One good reason for making our own fan choy is that we can add in more ingredients and make it more substantial unlike the ones from outside that usually come with mostly rice and a miserable portion of meat and egg. Enjoy this recipe!

Fan Choy Recipe

Fan Choy Recipe

Ingredients (serves 4)
400g brown rice, steamed with 500ml water
250g char siew, sliced
2-3 hardboiled eggs, halved
chopped spring onions as garnish

100ml boiling water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chicken seasoning powder
2 tsp sugar
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp hoisin sauce
2 tbsp char siew sauce
2 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
dash of white pepper

1. Combine all the ingredients for the seasoning and then mix thoroughly with the cooked brown rice. Set aside.
2. Using either small porcelain bowls or foil moulds, arrange the egg and char siew on the bottom of the bowls or moulds and fill up with the rice.
3. Steam at medium high heat for 10 minutes.
4. Overturn each bowl or mould onto a serving plate. Garnish the fan choy with spring onions and serve hot.


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