The first time I came to Labrador was back in 2007 when I was running a social event for an international congress at Villa Seafood Galleria on Labrador Villa Road. I remembered Labrador was such an inaccessible area as there wasn’t any MRT then and it was also a place that was quite unheard of in Singapore. […]
Woohoo! It’s always a joy to shop at Daiso so I can embrace a huge array of colourful and cute-looking kitchen tools and accessories that I just can’t have enough in my kitchen. The husband had recently commented that our house was looking a little cluttered, oops. Daiso really reminds me of the similar pound shops in […]
If you’re trying to lose weight and/or wanting to start on a new exercise regimen, check out my earlier post on how to get things started. So now you have your gear ready and you’re mentally prepared to transform your lifestyle, what’s next? Know how to maximise the benefits of your training and see faster […]
Welcome to Geri’s boot camp! My very own torture chamber! Lol. Where I put myself through ‘extreme torture’ just to get to where I am now. Because exercising is REALLY tough! And I’m not kidding! Well, it took me quite a while to get this up following my last post about me losing weight since embarking on a new exercise regimen […]
When I was in my mid-20s, whitening had never been a part of my skincare routine. I thought having tanned skin was cool and took every opportunity to be under the sun whenever possible. I didn’t bother to use any sunscreen or carry an umbrella when outdoors. When I noticed dark spots started appearing on […]
I’m truly envious of people residing in Tiong Bahru because it’s a charmingly quaint and tranquil estate filled with a wide selection of old time hawkers dishing up awesomely good local food. It also constantly renews itself with fresh elements, from the various hip cafes perfect to chill out in to the more underrated gems like this shop I’m recommending which is […]
It had been a good 5 years since the husband and I visited the Singapore Botanic Gardens. It just felt invigorating to take a walk through nature that is quite untouched, as opposed to the Gardens by the Bay which is more man-made and commercialised (not that we dislike it but both gardens are way different and impressive in their own individual style). […]
Losing 15kg in 15 weeks sounds daunting? It is actually an achievable task! Last week when I was at my gym, one of the regular gym-goers approached me while I was on the leg press machine just to comment that I had slimmed down a lot especially around my middle section. Today, another lady complimented […]
Ever since my shopping trip to Fassler Gourmet (read my earlier blog post Food Factory Outlet Shopping at Woodlands Terrace: Fassler Gourmet) earlier this year when I lugged home a bountiful supply of salmon that lasted us some good couple of months, the husband and I returned again to replenish our inventory as well as to check out Zac […]
Following lunch at Sunny Choice (read my earlier blog post here), we continued down The Rail Mall and spotted this ice cream parlour mid-way that serves up guilt-free ice cream. Exactly what we needed. How could we give this a miss? We tried a few flavours and decided on Salted Gula Melaka (bottom scoop, hidden) and Very […]
** Sponsored Review ** When I first received a full size bottle of Biore Uru Uru 2-in-1 Instant Foaming Wash, I was pretty excited to try the product because it seemed like the perfect solution to remove make-up instantly while cleansing the face which is something we women would very much appreciate at the end […]
I drew inspiration from a poem that my childhood friend had written for me two decades ago. To reflect the times when I lost track of where I was heading to during the growing up years. Many times, I really wished life was just a dream so when I wake up the next morning, everything […]
From collagen drink, powder, hot pot, make up to skincare, ‘collagenisation’ is now an emerging trend. I used to think only the more senior ladies would require collagen because that’d be when age is shown significantly on the skin. But as I gradually move into my 30s and experience the changes myself, I realise that […]
Having a garden in the city is not just about getting closer to nature but it really offers a welcoming respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life as well as a cool reprieve from the sultry heat of our year-round summer. I love walking. I think it’s one of the most therapeutic exercises […]
I wrote this light-hearted poem for my husband when I first fell in love with him almost a decade ago. Those were the days I always had the warm and fuzzy feeling inside me when thinking of him and my heart always fluttered when he was around me. 9 and 1/2 years of knowing each […]
The husband planned a day out on my birthday two weeks ago and we started off with an outing to the River Safari in the morning which I was really excited about as I hadn’t been there since its soft opening in April 2013. And it was really a good time to visit the park […]